
100% Sent (and sorry it's been so long!)

Cru Seniors at Fall Getaway (staff team behind them)

The goal: To send students out into the world to live missionally wherever the Lord leads them. To be sent as laborers for His harvest, to reach the world for Christ. 

This is the largest graduating class I have seen since being on staff with Cru! I am truly amazed at what the Lord has done in each one of their hearts over the past 4 years. How He has stretched their faith and used them on campus. They have put their blood, sweat and tears into making Jesus known on campus. And for that, I am thankful. 

Would you pray for them? 

This is a very bittersweet time for them as they reflect on the past four years and pass the torch to other students and as they discern God's plan for after graduation in December or May. Some are thinking about giving a year of their life to serve the Lord overseas and here in the US and some are thinking how they can have an impact in the business world. Either way, in vocational ministry or in the workplace, they will have opportunities to share Christ with people. That's our prayer at least. 

The Five Things is a tool that we use to help graduating Seniors transition well into the "real world" and to continue growing in their relationship with Jesus. Maybe they will help you too:

1. Kingdom Vision- It's the idea of understanding God's big picture, seeing how you fit into what He's doing, and then letting that influence your decisions and choices now and in the years to come.

2. Team- A "team" is two or more people coming together who share a common kingdom vision. We all need people who will encourage us to stay on mission. People we can pray with and put some plans in place. People we can live out our kingdom vision with. 

3. Plan- "If you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time." Passion and tenacity will only get you so far. If you are going to fulfill the vision God has given you, you're going to need to take some strategic and tactical steps to get you there. Having some sort of plan is all about being intentional with how you move toward your kingdom vision.

4. Ongoing Equipping- Successful people are always growing and developing. Effective organizations are always adapting. Championship teams are always improving. Ongoing equipping is anything you need in order to help fulfill your kingdom vision. This can include further education, skills, tools, training and resources. These things will help you in your journey of walking with God and serving Him for a lifetime. 

5. Coaching- Proverbs stresses the importance of gaining wisdom from others. We can never underestimate the blessing of another who has gone before us and learned a thing or two along the way. A coach is just that person: someone to answer your questions, help you and your "team" when you are stuck, and encourage you when the going gets tough. 

Thanks for investing, praying, and being a part of these students' lives. I'm excited to see where the Lord leads them! 

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